Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sorry for the delay, the book is done!

I had fully intended on blogging about my experience writing the book about the death of my business. As you can see, I only had enough emotional energy to do one at a time. I promise now that the book is finished, I will use this blog to talk about the post book writing experience. How it will be painstakingly edited, and shopped for publishers. Even if I sell only one book, to my Mom, it will have been worth it. What a gift to be able to look back on this time in my life and truly know, through life experience, this was meant for a reason. I am not fully sure of all the reasons but I know a few things have been realized already. I thought the door on my marriage was closed and through hard work and counseling, we are on the road to recovery. I have now been formally introduced to my soul and enjoy meaningful conversations with the wisdom that is inside me. I hope others can come to know themselves the way I have been able to through this journey. Lastly, I have learned that life is just a bunch of ups and downs and they are inevitable. Enjoy the ups and know the downs will pass. For today, I am going to just enjoy the success of finishing this book 40,000 plus words later, I am healing from the death of my business and there is truly life after death…